Emerald Energy
If living is to be, the basic thing we need to exist is energy.
Electricity is the contemporary form of energy. Being able to communicate with a fine grain, high efficiency
it makes it unique and useful. In the globalizing world, electricity generation is a basic measure of its development,
Unfortunately, Turkey is well below the world average in this respect. Own water, wind and
70% of the resources it uses to generate electricity are in the country
from outside.
EMERALD ENERGY, natural to reduce our dependence on energy
using our resources, electricity is sufficient, quality, continuous, low cost and environmentally
harmonized manner, consumers are required to comply with the requirements of private law
financial strength, stability and transparency that can operate in accordance with
the establishment of an electricity energy market and an independent regulation and
electricity in line with the Electricity Market Law No. 4628,
to establish, rent, operate, operate, transfer energy, electricity
to produce energy, to market the produced energy, to import and export
is a private organization established to participate in